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Olive Oil Sommelier VS Olive Oil Tasters

Our olive oil sommelier courses are not common olive oil tasting courses that are limited to the training of tasters by product classification only oil.

Olive Oil Sommelier courses of IRVEA-Olive Oil Academy are olive oil training courses to bring together enthusiasts and train professionals in the field of olive oil. 360

• from sensory analysis of oil and other foods to techniques for improving the quality of production;

• from the use of oil in the kitchen, in the production of baked goods, in olive oil dressing, to the correct combination of oil and food;

• from the use of oil in cosmetics to more than 100 uses of olive oil in different sectors;

• from knowledge of the main commercial frauds in the food sector, to techniques for the increase of oil sales and the management of olive oil stores.

Why the difference between the professional skills of an Olive Oil

Sommelier and an Olive Oil Taster is the same one that passes between the day and

the night

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IRVEA  - Via G. Verdi, 2 – Camera di Commercio I.A.A-43121 PARMA (PR)

                          Tel. + 39 0521 184 1531    |    Mob/WhatsApp. +39 346 541 9847

IRVEA / FederQuality – OleumVitae Pty Ltd, Avalon Beach 2107 NSW Australia

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